31 juli 2011

Sunday bloody Sunday

Yesterday night me Emilia and Emmy went too a party but went home early and had a movie night, we had a great night! Today we have been laying in bed and the sofa aaaallllll dddaaaayyyy and been eating chips candy and pizza hahah love days like these :))

-live live and rock n roll!

27 juli 2011

Spend 48$ last night at the county fair

I'm on the bus on my way home from work, I'm just going home to get my stuff and change my shirt then I'm driving over to Stina's and then we're going to the fair :D today life is good! :))
C ya l8r ;)

-live live and rock n roll!

25 juli 2011

nothing lasts forever, I'm sorry I can't be perfect

Hey you guys, so, there's so much stuff happening , I just don't find the time to post something here, but I just got my iPhone back (or a new one the other one was so broken it costed more to fix it then to buy a new one) so I'll try to post some more ... But anyways, I've finished working now , for this summer, and Emmy will work the whole summer and Stina starts tomorrow so it's me myself and I the rest of the summer, so I'm gonna clean my room, and really CLEAN and throw a lot of old stuff out , work out and start my new life, I really need to start working out again.. I hate myself for letting it go this far. But now it's 5 am and I really need to go to bed now.. heheh nighty night :)

17 juli 2011


Chillin With Emmy

-live live and rock n roll!

7 juli 2011

damned if I do, damned if I don't.

So a lot of shit happened the past weeks, I haven't had the time to post anything.. But anyhow
this is my life plan right now:

july- work
august - school starts and a new trip to turkey
september - study , family comes to sweden
october - study , study for the drivers license
november - I'm turning 18, party , maybe a trip to turkey
december - christmas , new years eave
january - study
february - study
march - study
april - study
may - internship at the hospital
june - internship and graduation
july - turkey
august - work
september - work
october - work
november - work, I'm turning 19
december - work, christmas , new years eave
january - work
february - work
march - Emmy turns 20 , work
april - MOVE!

If it all will happen according to the plan ? I don't know.
Do I hope it does? HELL YEAH! I hope it all happens faster then the plan!!